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July 3, 2024

How to Audit Your Klaviyo Account (Without an Agency)


  1. Take control of your Klaviyo account.
  2. Dive deep into your account’s findings and use the data smartly.
  3. Create an actionable plan towards conversion success.

Klaviyo is a powerful tool for email marketing, offering a ton of features that can significantly boost your email marketing performance. But to maximize its potential, you need to do regular audits. This comprehensive step-by-step guide will help you conduct a thorough Klaviyo audit independently, without the need for an agency. 

With our in-depth guide, you’ll be able to swiftly diagnose your account usage, develop a strategic plan for maximum ROI, and identify ways to optimize your email campaigns.

We’ll also be showing you how to create personalized and targeted content for your subscribers so that you can achieve your most desired results.

With our framework, you’ll be able to make your data work for you, send emails that target your subscribers’ deepest pain points and desires – and go from a state of conversion uncertainty to a state of conversion empowerment.

So, how badly do you want to transform your Klaviyo account into a constant revenue-generating engine?

Let’s Break It Down for You 

Auditing your Klaviyo account properly means examining several key areas to check that everything is operating at optimal performance. We’ll cover audits at the campaign level, specific parameters to check, and some bonus tips for real e-commerce growth. 

  • Learn how to quickly diagnose your account’s current state. 
  • Learn how to develop a concrete plan for the biggest ROI. 
  • Learn how to measure results for your next Klaviyo iteration. 

Klaviyo Audit on Campaign Level – 3 Parameters to Check 

Conducting a thorough audit on the campaign level can reveal actionable insights into your email marketing strategy. Prioritize these three key parameters and your results should improve noticeably: 

  • Deliverability 
  • List Segmentation 
  • Email Diversification 

1. Deliverability 

Deliverability is the foundation of any email marketing campaign. Poor deliverability can ruin your efforts, leading to low open rates and high spam rates. 

The iOS 15 update was one of the biggest changes in recent deliverability, but it’s become the new normal. Today, improving your deliverability requires focusing on a few specific factors and keeping your content relevant. 

Check Authentication 

Make sure your emails are authenticated with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to prove legitimacy. 

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF helps verify that the sender’s IP address is authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain. This prevents spammers from sending messages that sneakily appear to come from your domain. 
  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM adds a digital signature to your emails, so the recipient’s email server can verify that the email was indeed sent by your domain and that it hasn’t been altered during transit.
  • DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): DMARC builds on SPF and DKIM, allowing you to specify how your emails should be handled if they fail SPF or DKIM checks.

Monitor Bounce Rates 

Regularly clean your email list by removing invalid email addresses as high bounce rates can affect your sender reputation.

  • Hard Bounces: These are permanent failures, like invalid email addresses. Remove these addresses from your list immediately.
  • Soft Bounces: These are temporary issues, like a full inbox. Monitor these addresses and try resending later.

Track Spam Complaint Rates 

Encourage subscribers to add your email address to their contact list so there’s less chance of your emails being marked as spam. 

  • Feedback Loops: Enroll in feedback loops provided by major ISPs (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo) to receive reports when users mark your emails as spam.
  • Use a Dedicated IP: If you’re sending a high volume of emails, consider using a dedicated IP address to improve deliverability.
  • IP Warm-up: Gradually increase the volume of emails sent from your new IP address to establish a positive sender reputation.

2. List Segmentation 

One of the most common mistakes that stores make when it comes to sending email marketing campaigns is to constantly spam their whole list of subscribers. The problem? You’re sending generalized emails to a general audience, so some aren’t going to be relevant and subscribers can quickly get tired of receiving emails that aren’t useful. 

Effective list segmentation can improve both engagement and conversion rates. The main marketing goal of segmentation is to keep your deliverability healthy while maximizing your campaign’s revenue. Secondary goal, to keep your customers happy and receiving relevant content. 

Segmentation depends largely on your brand, the size of your business, and your email list size. Here are some useful segments you may want to consider implementing:

Recency-Based Segments 

Segment your list based on how recently subscribers interacted with your emails. These segments allow you to target users who have been active within a recent time frame, like 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc. 

  • Identify Active Subscribers: Create segments for those who have taken a certain action within the last 30, 60, or 90 days. 
    • Opened email at least once in the last X days 
    • Clicked Email at least once in the last X days 
    • Placed Order at least once in the last X days 
    • Active On Site at least once in the last X days
  • Engage Active Segments: Send personalized content to these segments to keep them engaged.

The more active the profile is, the more campaigns it should be receiving. 

Winback Segments 

Identify and re-engage inactive subscribers with targeted winback campaigns. This can rejuvenate your email marketing list and boost engagement. It’s a good idea to split these into repeat customers and prospects for more precise targeting. 

  • Create “Lapsing” Segments: Identify subscribers who are at risk of lapsing. Here’s a quick overview of how that might look: 
    • Created is in the last 90 days AND 
    • Opened email at least once between 45 and 90 days ago OR 
    • Clicked Email at least once between 45 and 90 days ago OR 
    • Viewed Product at least once between 45 and 90 days ago AND 
    • Received at least 8 emails in the last 45 days AND 
    • Opened email zero times in the last 45 days OR 
    • Clicked email zero times in the last 45 days 
  • Design Winback Campaigns: Send special offers or surveys to understand why they stopped interacting. 
    • Special Offers: Provide exclusive discounts or early access to new products to entice inactive subscribers to re-engage.
    • Feedback Surveys: Ask inactive subscribers for feedback on why they haven’t been engaging with your emails. Use this information to improve your future campaigns. 

“Lapsed” segments work on a similar basis but extend the time frame of inactivity to between 90 and 150 days. 

Hygiene Segments 

These are the segments that you should regularly use as exclusions. They will prevent you from sending to subscribers who are very unlikely to open your email or have a high chance of bouncing. You should have 3 hygiene segments: 

  • Dead Weight: Created at least 150 days ago and no opens, clicks, views, or orders within that time. 
  • Recent Dead Weight: Created 20 to 30 days ago but haven’t shown any interest ie. no opens, clicks, or other activity.
  • Bounces: Users who’ve unsubscribed at least once, marked email as spam at least once, or bounced more than twice over. 

Implementing a sunset policy to keep your list as clean as possible. Set it to remove inactive subscribers if they remain inactive after receiving a re-engagement or winback campaign. 

3. Email Diversification 

Diversifying your email content is an important step to keep your audience engaged. By offering diversified content, you can cater to varying customer needs and stages in their journey. 

There are five main campaign types that should be included in your strategy: 

  • Promo, Offer, Sales (focused on the incentive) 
  • Educational and Entertaining (focused on content) 
  • Product Benefit (focused on the product) 
  • UGC (focused on testimonials and building social proof) 
  • Event-Based (focused on event sales such as a Halloween sale, or a product launch sale) 

Promotional Emails 

Offers, discounts, and sales announcements. These emails should be timely and relevant, offering value to your subscribers. Event-based sales fall under this category as well. 

  • Limited-Time Offers: Create urgency with time-sensitive promotions.
  • Seasonal Campaigns: Align your promotions with holidays and seasons for greater relevance. 

Educational Emails 

Tips, how-tos, and informative content. These help build trust and establish your brand as an authority in your niche. 

  • Tutorials: Provide step-by-step guides or how-to videos related to your products. 
  • Industry News: Share the latest news and trends in your industry.
  • Product Benefit: Deep dives into specific products for information purposes.

UGC Emails 

These are designed for two purposes: one, to encourage engagement and make your audience feel involved and cared about, and two, to build up your collection of social proof. 

  • Run Contests: Ask subscribers to submit photos, videos, or stories for a chance to win a prize. 
  • Exclusive Giveaways: Offer a giveaway exclusive to your email list. To enter, ask them to submit a UGC piece (photo, review, etc.) related to your brand. 

Overusing offers will make your list grow immune to them over time. Not a good long-term strategy!

Here’s how to diversify your monthly campaign calendar:  

  1. 20 to 60% of campaigns are educational, entertaining, or UGC-focused.
  2. 20 to 60% of campaigns are product focused.
  3. 10 to 25% of campaigns are incentive focused.

Try to find a good balance between all three of the above for your brand, which will be also dependent on what your audience responds the best to. 

Looking to perform a data test on your Klaviyo account? 

Export your data and join us for a 15-minute call, where we’ll gladly walk you through the process and discuss the insights gained from your account analysis.

Klaviyo Audit on Flow Level – Digging Deeper 

Now, let’s delve into specific parameters you need to understand for a detailed Klaviyo audit of your flow emails

  • Master the 1% Placed Order Rate 
  • Implement Value-Add Tactics 
  • Identify Must-Have Flows 
  • Utilize Smart Sending 

1. The 1% Placed Order Rate 

A 1% placed order rate is a sign that you’re providing good value to your list. Consistently achieving or exceeding this magic number shows a healthy email marketing game. With this technique, you’ll amplify your retargeting prowess, much like the Discount Ladder tactic (more on this in our article about retargeting email marketing automation).

Here’s how to track and improve it: 

Monitor Order Rates 

Regularly review your placed order rate in Klaviyo’s analytics. 

  • Benchmarking: Compare your placed order rate to industry benchmarks to see how you stack up.
  • Trend Analysis: Look for trends over time to identify what’s working and what’s not, and incorporate them into your email strategy.

Optimize CTAs 

Improve your email flows’ call-to-actions to encourage more conversions. The more clicks you get, the more chances there are for conversion. 

  • A/B Testing: Test different CTAs to see which ones convert better.
  • Placement and Design: Experiment with the placement and design of your CTAs for maximum impact.

Enhance Email Designs 

Make sure your emails are visually appealing and mobile-friendly, without being overwhelming or too busy. 

  • Responsive Design: Make sure your emails look great on all devices.
  • Clear Layouts: Use clear and concise layouts to make it easy for subscribers to read and take action. 

2. The Value-Add Tactic 

Offer exclusive content, discounts, or personalized recommendations. By incorporating valuable content in your next-in-flow email, you’ll remind subscribers of your brand’s presence and encourage a series of micro-conversions that eventually lead them back to your website for ongoing engagement.

Exclusive Content 

Share insider tips, behind-the-scenes looks, or upcoming product previews. This makes your subscribers feel like they’re getting something special. 

  • VIP Content: Create content that’s only available to your email subscribers.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Show a behind-the-scenes look at your company or product development.

Personalized Recommendations 

Use customer data to tailor recommendations and content to individual preferences. This technique makes your customers feel known and understood. 

  • Purchase History: Recommend products based on past purchases.
  • Browsing Behavior: Use browsing behavior to suggest products subscribers might be interested in.

3. Must-Have Flows 

Klaviyo has several must-have flows that can be automated to enhance your email marketing efforts with very little time and effort on your part.

The Welcome Series 

A well-crafted welcome series sets the tone for your email marketing campaigns. It’s the first impression, so make it engaging and informative. 

  • First Email: Thank new subscribers and introduce your brand. Include a welcome offer or discount. 
  • Second Email: Highlight popular products and share customer testimonials.
  • Third Email: Provide valuable content, like a how-to guide or a list of best practices related to your products.

Don’t just settle for an email address on your sign-up form. 

  • Opt for collecting valuable information upfront so to paint a fuller picture of your customers and succinctly tailor your communication to their needs. An example of this would be to use multi-step Klaviyo sign-up forms to gather more data and provide a more personal customer experience.

Cart Abandonment Flow 

Target customers who leave items in their cart without completing the purchase. Sending well-timed reminders can recover lost sales and improve your conversion rate. 

  • First Reminder: Send a reminder email within 24 hours of the cart being abandoned. 
  • Second Reminder: Follow up with a second email offering a discount or incentive to complete the purchase.
  • Final Reminder: Send a last-chance email creating urgency (e.g., limited stock warning) to drive action.

Brands can elevate their account performance by optimizing the cart abandon flow with 3 to 4 emails instead of 1 to 2. 

  • Personalize them based on whether they’re a repeat customer or a new prospect, cart size (above or below the free shipping threshold), and the product/category in their cart. 

Browse Abandonment Flow 

Target customers who browse products but don’t add them to the cart. Include personalized product recommendations and show customer reviews or social proof to increase the likelihood of conversion. 

  • Initial Email: Send an email within 24 hours of browsing, featuring the products viewed and similar items. 
  • Follow-Up Email: Offer a discount or special promotion to encourage them to buy.
  • Final Email: Highlight the popularity of the products and include testimonials to build trust. 

Browse Abandonment flow is the 3rd highest generating flow based on Klaviyo’s data, making it a big revenue opportunity for brands. 

Smart Sending 

Smart sending settings can prevent email fatigue among your subscribers. Adjust the frequency of your emails based on subscriber engagement to maintain a healthy unsubscribe rate.

Engagement Tracking 

Monitor how often your subscribers open and click your emails to figure out the optimal sending frequency. 

  • Engagement Scoring: Use engagement scoring to prioritize highly engaged subscribers.
  • Behavioral Data: Analyze behavioral data to understand the best times to send emails.

Frequency Caps 

Set limits on how many emails a subscriber can receive within a specific time frame to avoid overloading and possibly annoying them. 

  • Daily/Weekly Limits: Set daily or weekly limits to prevent overwhelming subscribers. 
  • Preference Center: Allow subscribers to choose their email frequency preferences.
    • Custom Preferences: Let subscribers customize their preferences for types of emails and frequency.
    • Subscriber Control: Give subscribers control over their experience to reduce unsubscribes and complaints.

Set Smart Sending to ON for most campaigns and flows, but keep it OFF for those you want everyone to see, such as a Welcome Flow, Cart Abandonment Flow, a Black Friday Promo, etc.

Bonus Tips for Real E-Commerce Growth 

Beyond auditing your Klaviyo account, here are some additional tips to boost real e-commerce growth. 

A/B Testing 

This helps you to continuously optimize your email strategies through testing what works and what doesn’t. You can A/B test almost every aspect of your emails, including: 

  • Subject Lines: Tone of voice, personalization, curiosity, etc. 
  • Email Design: Full design vs plain text. 
  • Content: Long vs short content, tone of voice.
  • CTAs: Action-driving vs straightforward, “your” vs “my” wording.

For most accurate results, test ONLY one element at a time so you know exactly which element is influencing your results. 

Advanced Flows 

Use Klaviyo’s advanced flows for better targeting. These flows can streamline the customer journey and improve overall satisfaction. 

  • Post-Purchase Flow: Send follow-up emails after a purchase to thank the customer, suggest related products, and request a review. 
  • Cross-Sell Flow: This allows you to introduce complementary products to increase revenue.
  • Sunset Flow: This helps manage inactive accounts by either re-engaging them or removing them from your main list.

Why Partner with YOCTO? 

Partnering with a professional email marketing service provider can take your email marketing to the next level. Our team offers:

Our International Reach 

We bring a global perspective with diverse insights and strategies from various markets. This allows us to create solutions that are culturally relevant and effective, giving you a competitive advantage no matter where you’re selling. 

Double Your Conversions 

Our expertise is geared towards noticeably improving your results. Using advanced techniques and proven methods, we help you achieve higher conversion rates, making your marketing efforts more impactful and efficient. 

Trusted Marketing Educators 

Prestigious institutions rely on us to teach the latest and most effective marketing techniques. Our role as trusted educators ensures that industry leaders are equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and skills. 

Top-Notch Portfolio 

Our portfolio showcases our ability to deliver exceptional results. From successful campaigns to innovative strategies, our proven track record demonstrates our commitment to excellence and our capacity to meet and exceed client expectations.

Maximizing Your Profits 

We excel at optimizing strategies to maximize revenue. By analyzing your current approaches and identifying areas for improvement, we help you implement tactics that drive higher profits and ensure sustainable growth.

How YOCTO Can Help You 

Custom Klaviyo Setups Tailored To Your Needs 

We make sure your Klaviyo account is optimized for your business and email marketing goals. 

Integration Support 

We assist with integrating Klaviyo with your e-commerce platform and other tools for seamless operations. 

Custom Templates 

We design custom email templates that align with your brand and meet your marketing objectives.

In-Depth Klaviyo Audits 

We focus on improving key metrics by analyzing your current setup, identifying areas for improvement, and providing a detailed action plan. 

Detailed Analysis 

We conduct a thorough review of your campaigns, segmentation, and automation workflows to spot areas that need enhancement.

Optimization Recommendations 

We offer actionable recommendations to boost your email marketing performance. 

Providing Actionable Insights and Revenue Opportunities 

Our comprehensive reports include a detailed analysis of your email performance, along with strategies to improve your results. 

Performance Metrics 

We track key metrics and KPIs to measure the success of your campaigns. 

Email Revenue Attribution 

We use detailed attributions to help you see which emails are driving sales and where there are opportunities for growth. 

Attribution Models 

We use various attribution models to analyze the customer journey and identify the most effective touchpoints. 

Sales Tracking 

Track sales generated from your email campaigns to measure ROI accurately. 

Customer Lifetime Value 

We focus on increasing your customer lifetime value by implementing strategies that enhance retention and loyalty. 

Loyalty Programs 

Create and manage loyalty programs to reward repeat customers, encouraging long-term engagement. 

Retention Strategies 

Develop strategies to keep customers engaged and coming back for more, ensuring continuous growth for your business. 

List Growth Support 

If you need professional support to grow your list, we’re here to help. Our services include

advanced segmentation and targeting strategies. We use data-driven approaches to make sure your emails reach the right audience. 

  • Segmentation Analysis: Conduct an in-depth analysis of your current segments and recommend improvements.
  • Targeting Strategies: Develop targeted campaigns based on customer behavior and demographics.

Optimizing Your Email Address Collection Methods 

From sign-up forms to lead magnets, we help you build a robust email list. 

  • Form Optimization: Design and optimize sign-up forms to increase conversions.
  • Lead Generation Campaigns: Run campaigns to attract new subscribers and grow your list.

Creating Email Content That Drives Conversions 

Our team of copywriters creates compelling and relevant content that resonates with your subscribers and guides them to take action. 

  • Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy that aligns with your marketing goals and engages your audience.
  • Copywriting Services: Provide professional copywriting services to create high-quality email content.

Email Performance Optimization 

Improve your email performance through continuous monitoring and adjustments. 

  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor performance metrics to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Strategy Refinement: Continuously refine your email marketing strategy based on performance data.

Enhancing Email Deliverability 

Make sure your messages reach the inbox by working on all aspects of deliverability, from authentication to list hygiene. 

  • Deliverability Audit: Conduct a thorough audit of your email deliverability and provide recommendations for improvement. 
  • Authentication Setup: Set up and manage email authentication protocols to improve deliverability. 

Isn’t it time to elevate your e-commerce brand and start earning more revenue on autopilot? Book a free discovery call today and watch your email success double! 

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