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June 2, 2024

Klaviyo Audit Expert Series: Klaviyo Attribution Window


  1. Understanding Klaviyo’s Attribution Window: What the Klaviyo attribution window is and how it helps track sales accurately.
  2. Multi-Channel Attribution: How Klaviyo assigns conversions across email, SMS, and push notifications.
  3. Customizing Attribution Windows: How to adjust the attribution windows to suit your business needs.
  4. Practical Examples: Real-world scenarios of how Klaviyo attributes conversions when multiple channels are used.
  5. Best Practices: Get tips on using Klaviyo’s attribution window effectively to optimize your marketing performance.

Klaviyo’s attribution window is a powerful tool that provides marketers with control and flexibility in measuring conversion attribution. Unlike many other ESPs, Klaviyo offers transparency and customization, allowing you to optimize your marketing strategies effectively. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use Klaviyo’s attribution window to its full potential, ensuring you get the most accurate insights into your marketing performance.

Let’s dive right into it.

What is the Klaviyo Attribution Window?

Is Klaviyo using last-click attribution or a last-touch attribution model model? No, this is a common misconception. Klaviyo’s conversion tracking is much more robust and complex.

  • Klaviyo uses a transparent and configurable attribution window, that’s more advanced than regular pixel tracking.
  • Moreover, it uses cooperative multi-channel attribution, out of the box, to assign conversion events and marketing touchpoints fairly across Klaviyo’s 3 marketing channels (email, SMS, push),

Before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s establish some common vocabulary around tracking user behaviors, customer actions, and marketing attribution models.

Conversion tracking basics

Conversion tracking is the process of measuring when a recipient opens your message and subsequently takes another action, such as placing an order, within the specified conversion period or attribution window.

Therefore, your attribution window is the duration of time you allow until a certain action can be attributed to the previous action. There’s 3 important nuances about Klaviyo’s conversion tracking:

  1. Klaviyo comes with multi-channel attribution. When you’re using more than one of Klaviyo’s channels (for example, when you use email & SMS), Klaviyo will determine which of the 2 channels gets the conversion automatically. When users interact with more than one channel, Klaviyo attributes the conversion to the last message the customer interacted with that’s still within the attribution window.
  2. The two actions that initiate a conversion window are opens and clicks. For opens, you can exclude Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) opens. Klaviyo tracks open events by placing a tiny, invisible pixel image at the bottom of every email. Click activity is tracked by adding unique tracking information to each URL, like this: [unique-account-identifier] More on the specifics of each channel later.
  3. Conversions are assigned to the day the message was sent. For example, if you send your message today, but people open it tomorrow, and purchase tomorrow, the conversions will be assigned to today. This means you should be evaluating individual messages by viewing a date range as broad as your attribution window, at minimum. Otherwise, you’re excluding conversions from that marketing message.

‘Perfect attribution’ is a myth

The notion that there’s a single ‘true’ way to track where sales originate is a myth. No attribution model is flawless, whether it’s multi-touch or channel-specific attribution like Klaviyo’s or Meta’s ROAS. Google’s comprehensive 98-page paper, “Decoding Decisions,” demonstrates this clearly and is a must-read for any serious marketer. 

In essence, shoppers are typically influenced by multiple channels and rarely make purchases from a single brand exclusively

Klaviyo’s default attribution window, broken down by channel, is this.

Email attribution window

By default, Klaviyo uses a 5-day attribution window that starts after a recipient opens or clicks an email. Since Apple’s Mail Privacy changes, you can’t always trust opens, but you don’t have to. Klaviyo lets you filter Apple Privacy opens out. Moreover, they allow you to shorten or expand the conversion window from 1 day all the way up to 30, and also go for even shorter windows based on hours.

SMS attribution window

By default, the attribution-window is 24 hours for SMS messages, but you can adjust this setting in your account’s SMS settings should you choose, switching between days and hours. The only thing that counts is clicks, as pretty much everybody opens an SMS message.

Klaviyo’s push revenue attribution

By default, the attribution-window is 24 hours for push messages, but similar to SMS and Email, you can edit your accounts settings, switching between days and hours. The only touch point in push messages is opens. Counterintuitively, an open occurs when someone taps a push notification.

Examples of multi-channel attribution

Let’s review some examples. Remember, Klaviyo attributes the conversion to the last message the customer interacted with that’s still within the attribution window.

Scenario 1

  • Day 1: Email gets sent
  • Day 2: SMS gets sent, not clicked
  • Day 3: User opens the email
  • Day 4: User makes a purchase

Attribution: The conversion is attributed to the email because the user interacted with the email within its 5-day attribution window, even though the SMS was sent later, since the SMS was not clicked.

Scenario 2

  • Day 1: Email gets sent and clicked
  • Day 2: SMS gets sent and clicked
  • Day 4: User makes a purchase

Attribution: The conversion is attributed to the SMS because the user clicked the SMS link and made a purchase within the 24-hour SMS attribution window, and moreover, SMS is the last channel they interacted with.

Scenario 3

  • Day 1: Email gets sent
  • Day 1: Push notification gets sent
  • Day 1: User taps the push notification
  • Day 5: User clicks on a Google ad
  • Day 7: User makes a purchase

Attribution: Klaviyo records the order and revenue, but does not attribute it to email or push, as it happened outside their conversion window. And it doesn’t attribute it to a Google ad, as Google ads are not managed within Klaviyo’s platform.

The importance of correct attribution in marketing analytics

The attribution window is crucial in marketing analytics because it provides insights into the customer journey and helps identify the marketing touchpoints that influence purchases (or any other customer actions) across the entire customer lifecycle. Moreover, besides revenue, Klaviyo automatically computes conversion analytics for all metrics in your account.

This means that every other conversion metric is attributed in the exact same way as ‘Placed Order’ and ‘Revenue’ events. This allows you to create powerful visualizations and funnels of how various messages lead to different behaviors.

Funnel Analysis

By accurately attributing specific customer actions to marketing efforts, businesses can make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies for better performance. Here’s 3 ways how attribution helps make better decisions:

Optimizing Marketing Spend

  • Attribution helps you determine which marketing channels drive the most sales.
  • By identifying these high-performing channels, you can allocate more of your budget to them, maximizing your return on investment.
  • This ensures that your marketing dollars are spent effectively, focusing on the strategies that yield the best results.

Mitigating Channel Saturation

  • Attribution analysis can reveal when a marketing channel is becoming less effective due to overuse.
  • If your email open rates and conversions are declining, it might indicate that your audience is experiencing email fatigue.
  • Recognizing this early allows you to diversify your marketing efforts, exploring new channels or tactics to maintain overall campaign effectiveness.

Personalizing Marketing Efforts

  • With insights from revenue attribution, you can personalize your marketing messages based on customer behavior.
  • For instance, if a certain segment of your audience frequently converts after receiving product recommendation emails, you can create personalized campaigns targeting this behavior.
  • Personalized marketing increases engagement and conversion rates by delivering relevant content to your audience.

Configuring the Attribution Window in Klaviyo

To access the attribution settings in Klaviyo:

  • Log in to your Klaviyo account.
  • Select ‘Settings.’
Enter Klaviyo account
  • Then click on attribution. 
  • Customizing your attribution window is super straightforward. You can easily switch between days or hours, too, allowing a greater level of customization.
Click on attribution

Considerations when changing your attribution window

The first thing you should know is that your data won’t change reatroactively. For example, if you were to switch from a conversion tracking that excludes opens and only tracks clicks, your historical performance will look like this:

  • What we see here is that even though the total size of the graph (total revenue) goes up from February to March, the yelow and purple portions, Klaviyo email and SMS respectively, go down.
  • Important: This is not a ‘drop’ in performance. It’s simply a change in how we measure performance.
  • This is critical. If someone doesn’t understand how attribution works, they might think there is a huge problem in the productivity of email & SMS during February and March. 

Our recommendation is to thoroughly explain and communicate how attribution works to all involved stakeholders, ensuring everybody is on the same page before changing your attribution window

Best Practices for Using the Klaviyo Attribution Window

Understanding why Klaviyo defaults to a 5-day attribution window is key. According to Nielsen research, memory recall drops by 50% within 24 hours of seeing an ad but remains steady at 50% for the next 5 days before declining further. A conversion window shorter than this period might miss relevant sales, while a longer window could over-attribute sales, as it’s unlikely users would be influenced by something they no longer remember.

  • Thus, we suggest maintaining a 5-day window. However, it’s crucial to track clicks only, not opens.
  • Clicks provide a stronger signal of interest and intent than opens, which can often be ‘fake’.
  • Assigning conversions to opens, especially fake ones, incentivizes bad behaviors like sending excessive emails.

Either way, when working with an agency like YOCTO, the first step should be defining how you’ll measure success. Consistency is key. Measuring performance one way and then changing it a few months later doesn’t make sense, as you will no longer make apple-to-apple comparisons.

What if I don’t want to use Klaviyo’s Attribution Window?

If you prefer not to use Klaviyo’s attribution model, consider using Google Analytics 4 (GA4). GA4 employs a Data-Driven Attribution (DDA) model, which uses statistical models and machine learning algorithms to evaluate every possible combination of touchpoints and determine their contribution to conversions.

To effectively use GA4, it is crucial to implement UTMs correctly. Klaviyo’s default UTM structure helps track the performance of campaigns accurately by appending UTM parameters to URLs in your marketing messages. Here’s how they work:

Klaviyo default UTMs

Naming your Klaviyo campaigns is intuitive. You may want to use a variation of the following structure:

  • Campaign Name: A brief identifier for the campaign. Example: SummerSale
  • Segment Name: The target audience or segment. Example: VIPs
  • Date: The send the campaign. Example: 20022024
  • Product or Offer: The specific product or offer featured. Example: Shoes.

Your final campaign UTM would be: SummerSale_VIPS_20022024_SHOES.

What many don’t realize is that how they name flow messages matters, too. 

Flow messages

This highlighted text, “A_Abandon_Email #2” matters. That’s how you will be able to find the performance of this specific email in Google Analytics 4. Consequently, if I name my emails consistently, I will be able to achieve the following:

  • View the performance of the entire flow by typing in Abandon_Email
  • View the performance of variation A, in aggregate, by typing in A_Abandon_Email, and the performance of variation B, in aggregate, by typing in B_Abandon_Email
  • View any individual email alone, by adding in the number #2.

This is especially helpful when running A/B tests. Our recommendation is to also include a ‘descriptor’ of what each tests is, to easily and intuitively interpret the results on Analytics. For example:

[Variation]_[Flow Name]_[Email #]_[Descriptor/Marketing Angle]


If you found this article relevant for understanding Klaviyo’s attribution window, then you should know YOCTO offers comprehensive Klaviyo audit services designed to optimize your email marketing strategy. Our audits cover a wide range of areas to ensure every aspect of your Klaviyo account is performing at its best.

  • Data Analysis and Performance Over the Last 2 Years: We analyze historical data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement in your email marketing efforts.
  • Deliverability Audit: We evaluate your email deliverability to help your messages land in inboxes rather than spam folders, considering how attribution settings might influence deliverability metrics.
  • Sign-Up Paths Audit: Review all sign-up paths to optimize lead capture and improve the quality of your subscriber list.
  • Flow Automation Audit: We assess your automated email sequences to ensure they effectively nurture leads and convert subscribers, factoring in the impact of attribution settings on these workflows.
  • Lists & Segments Audit: We audit your lists and segments to ensure they are properly maintained and targeted.
  • Campaigns Audit: We analyze your email campaigns for engagement, design, and content effectiveness.
  • Experimentation Maturity Audit: We review your testing strategies to ensure you are maximizing learning and optimizing performance.

If this is not for you, here’s our comprehensive guide on how to audit your Klaviyo account without an agency.


Partnering with a Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner like YOCTO ensures your email marketing strategy is in expert hands. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • One of the Top Agencies in the USA & Europe: Independently recognized as one of the leading agencies in the USA & Europe by Klaviyo, we bring extensive experience and knowledge to your audits.
  • Proven Results: Our proven methods deliver reliable results, offering a clear path to achieving your revenue and retention goals without guesswork.
  • Experience with Top Brands: We have collaborated with top brands like Tesonet (valued at $3 billion) and fast-growing startups like Miracare, the #1 fem tech brand in the USA. Our broad experience ensures tailored solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries.

By partnering with YOCTO, you gain access to unparalleled expertise and a history of success, unlocking the full potential of your Klaviyo account.


Our Klaviyo audit process is designed to provide actionable insights for improving your email marketing strategy. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Discovery Call: Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation discovery call by clicking the link below. We’ll discuss your brand and specific needs during this session.
  2. In-Depth Audit: We conduct a thorough analysis of your Klaviyo account, including data performance, deliverability, sign-up paths, flow automation, lists & segments, campaigns, and experimentation maturity, all with a focus on optimizing attribution settings.
  3. Comprehensive Report: You will receive a detailed 50+ page slide deck outlining areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations tailored to your brand. This extensive report ensures every aspect of your email marketing strategy is covered.

Book your discovery call today to start the journey toward optimized performance and increased ROI.

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