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July 26, 2024

Klaviyo Email Marketing Agency Pricing Guide

Investing in a Klaviyo email marketing agency service package could be the smartest decision you make for your business. Klaviyo agencies—especially those in Klaviyo’s Partner Program—offer you a full team of email marketing experts at your digital fingertips. If you’re using the email marketing platform, an agency will take your email to a whole new level. 

The even better news is that hiring one probably costs less than onboarding a dedicated in-house employee to handle your Klaviyo management. Still not sure? Here’s a quick Klaviyo email marketing agency pricing guide to help you make an informed decision.


  1. A general ballpark of how much it costs to hire a Klaviyo email marketing agency. 
  2. What kind of services Klaviyo agency pricing usually covers. 
  3. The factors that influence Klaviyo agency pricing. 
  4. Why you should consider working with a Klaviyo email agency. 

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Klaviyo Agency? 

The cost of email marketing depends on many things, but monthly fees can range from $500 to $5,000. There may also be an initial Klaviyo setup fee, from $1,000 to $5,000. Most Klaviyo agencies offer various pricing tiers so you can find one that suits your needs. 

The sign-up fees include integrating Klaviyo with whatever e-commerce platform you’re using, setting up email templates, creating a personalized email marketing strategy, and putting together automated email flows

Ongoing monthly fees include data analysis, email campaign writing, designing, and management, ongoing optimization including A/B testing, and performance reporting. Whatever package you choose, it also includes the agency’s email marketing tools, which comes at no extra cost to you.

Popular Email Marketing Agency Pricing Structures 

Klaviyo email marketing agency pricing models usually fall into one of four types. Monthly retainers and revenue share are the most popular, with per-project fees being an option for very short-term needs. Hourly fees are uncommon but not unheard of. Here’s a brief overview of these pricing structures. 

Monthly Retainer 

A monthly retainer is a fixed fee paid to the agency every month for ongoing services. It’s the most common and generally most convenient choice. This Klaviyo email marketing agency pricing model usually covers a specific set of services, determined upfront. 

Additional features will probably pop you up to a higher pricing plan. For example, adding SMS campaigns, email template design, dynamic content, and advanced email marketing automation will cost you more than a simple email-only, 2-per-week plan. 

Flat rates are usually the best option for businesses who need ongoing management of their Klaviyo email marketing. Hiring a Klaviyo agency means you have a reliable partner handling your campaigns and you don’t have the hassle of negotiating individual projects month-to-month. 

Revenue Share 

If you choose this model, the Klaviyo agency will earn a percentage of the monthly revenue you earn from email. That means there’s no fixed monthly fee; the cost of email marketing will change month by month. So if you happen to have a bad month, you don’t have to shell out a lump sum—the agency gets paid less too

It can be an attractive model for both small and large businesses. This structure means the agency’s earnings align directly with your success, so you can be sure they’re putting in every effort to keep your conversion rates up. 

The exact percentage will be decided upon before you sign anything. It can range from 10% to 25%, depending on the size of your business and your marketing goals. 

In some cases, Klaviyo email marketing agency pricing may offer a “hybrid” option—a lower fixed monthly fee plus a smaller revenue share percentage.

Per Hour Costs 

Some agencies charge an hourly rate, but it’s a less common email marketing pricing model. This means you’ll pay for the exact amount of time spent on your email campaign, but it doesn’t have much benefit beyond what a monthly retainer does. 

It’s a good choice for businesses who have sporadic needs, like needing help occasionally with busier periods of the year. If you choose this model, you’ll need to set a clear agreement on the scope of work, how hours will be monitored, and how to handle unexpected setbacks.

Per Project (one-time setup) 

If you don’t need monthly emails, you might choose a per-project fee for Klaviyo-related things that pop up unexpectedly. This avoids your in-house marketing team being put under pressure and makes sure you’re still delivering top-quality work. 

Factors Influencing Klaviyo Agency Pricing 

Every Klaviyo email marketing agency will price their services differently, but there are certain specific factors that can increase the final total. Understand these and get an idea of what your needs are before reaching out to an agency.

1. Scope of Project 

The complexity and scope of your email project will impact the pricing. If you’re looking at a comprehensive email marketing strategy including automated flows, email campaigns, copy, design, and detailed analytics, the price is going to creep up. 

On the other hand, if you’ve already got an in-house team taking care of email design and email copywriting and you just need monthly strategy, content calendar, and Klaviyo implementation, it’s going to drop that price by quite a bit. Clearly defining what you need upfront will help you get accurate estimates. 

The same is true for once-off projects. For example, if you need a bit of help for a Black Friday Cyber Monday campaign, when do you want to start sending out teasers and building up anticipation? The project may begin a month in advance, and might include multiple different email campaigns, strict segmentation, Klaviyo advanced features, and even SMS marketing. 

On the other hand, if your email marketer has just booked off sick for a week and you need someone to cover the week’s email marketing campaigns for them, it’s likely to be less intense and cost less.

2. Email Campaign Frequency 

How many emails do you wish to send per month? Sending 8 emails a month (2 per week) will naturally cost less than sending 20 emails a month (5 per week). Added email campaigns will result in additional costs due to the increased workload. Higher email volume = higher price.

3. Email List Size 

The bigger your email list, the more advanced management it’s going to need. Larger lists need more advanced segmentation, more detailed data analytics, and more time spent on strategy. 

The size of your list will also influence how much you pay for your email service provider’s package. Klaviyo pricing starts at $20 but increases exponentially as your list grows. You’re looking at $1,000 once you’ve got 70,000 active profiles on your Klaviyo. Keep this in mind, as it will push your final Klaviyo pricing up. 

Klaviyo Email Marketing Agency Pricing Guide | FAQs 

Is Hiring a Klaviyo Agency Worth It? 

Don’t let Klaviyo email marketing agency pricing put you off. In terms of value for money, the service you get from a Klaviyo agency is worth every penny—especially if they’re a Klaviyo partner. 

Agencies bring experience, expertise, creativity, and the latest tools to the table. They also have an in-depth understanding of the customer experience, which is invaluable for increasing not only sales, but customer lifetime value. 

This is a valuable investment that can help you get vastly better results than you might get on your own, or even with an in-house team that might be split between different types of copy. 

Klaviyo experts can handle the complexities of the powerful email platform, delving into advanced features and strategies that in-house teams might not know. While there are costs involved, the potential for improved performance, increased revenue, and saved time often makes it a worthwhile investment. 


Klaviyo Agency 

In-House Team 

Value for Money 



Wide Range of Expertise 



Time Savings 



Efficiency & Consistency 












Is a Klaviyo Agency Better Than an In-House Team? 

A dedicated in-house team can be great if you want direct control over your email campaigns, messaging, and design. But it comes at a much bigger price—4 to 7 team members, each with a salary, benefits, and perks. 

In contrast, a Klaviyo agency gives you a full team, essentially for the price of one salary. Here’s a quick overview of agency vs. in-house costs so you can decide.


Klaviyo Agency 

In-House Team 

Cost to Company (per year) 

$60,00 to $144K 

$258K to $445K (excluding benefits) 

Time Investment 

Researching Klaviyo agencies, meeting with team (on an approved schedule), approving email campaigns 

Full hiring process can take 12+ weeks for a single employee (examining CVs, interviewing, hiring) 


Fully skilled team at your fingertips, from marketing concept to design to implementation 

Room for a full range of expertise, but in most cases split between multiple employees 


Easy to scale up or down without affecting anything 

Scaling up generally requires hiring new team members 

Klaviyo Email Marketing Agency: Choose YOCTO 

YOCTO is more than just a Klaviyo agency—we’re a Klaviyo Platinum Master with a wealth of experience and expertise in our team. When you work with us, you aren’t just getting generic emails. You’re getting works of art created by an agency that’s: 

  • Approved by Klaviyo Themselves: YOCTO has been named among the top email marketing agencies in the UK and USA by Klaviyo. 
  • Got a Proven Track Record: We have a wide range of case studies and testimonials by happy clients, proving the success of our strategies.
  • Worked with Huge Brands: Some of the biggest brands in the world have trusted us with their email marketing (NordLayer, Miracare, Tesonet, and more).

A Klaviyo email marketing agency can double (or more) your revenue. Book a free discovery call today and see what this partnership can do for you!

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