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July 9, 2024

Klaviyo Audit Expert Series: Sign-Up Forms


  1. The importance of Klaviyo sign-up forms for business growth and why maintaining your list is necessary.
  2. The different types of sign-up forms, their properties, and their advantages.
  3. How to audit your sign-up forms step by step to make sure they’re optimized.
  4. Best practices for creating sign-up forms that convert visitors into subscribers.
  5. Multiple sign-up form test ideas to help you figure out what users respond to.

A good sign-up form (also called an opt-in form or a pop-up) is the starting point for an effective email marketing strategy. Smart use of klaviyo sign-up forms can entice people to join your email list, taking them one step closer to becoming a customer. On the other hand, poor use of your sign-up form can put people off your brand, so it’s a fine line. A compelling sign-up form is more important than you think—get it right and you’ll see how it levels up your email marketing game!

Why Do Klaviyo Sign-Up Forms Matter? 

Sign-up forms serve as the gateway for converting website visitors into engaged email subscribers. Each month, the average e-commerce store loses at least 1.5% of their email list due to unsubscribes or cleaning their lists of unengaged subscribers. 

So replenishing your engaged audience is always necessary. The best way to make sure your subscriber base is growing faster than it’s shrinking is to bring in new active profiles through your email signup form. More subscribers = more sales = more revenue. 

“But don’t pop-ups annoy users?” 

Not as much as you think. If you were browsing something with the intention of buying it and you were given the chance to save money on it, would you be annoyed? Obviously not. 

While a sign-up form may annoy some users (usually those with lower buying intent), they’re offering value to those who are more likely to buy. The key to consistent subscriber list growth is using them effectively, starting with what kind of form you choose.

Different Types of Sign-Up Forms

Not all sign-up forms are the same. Choosing an appropriate one depends partly on your website design, and partly on your email goals and business objectives.

Full-Page Sign-Up Forms 

Full-page sign-up forms usually have higher engagement rates and conversion rates than other forms. This could be because they dominate the user’s screen, for maximum visibility and engagement. 

According to Klaviyo, full-page forms outperform pop-up, flyout, and embedded forms. 

full-page sign-up form

Pop-Up Forms 

Pop-up forms can be triggered by various actions, like time spent on a page, scrolling a certain distance, or intent to exit. This flexibility allows marketers to present the form at the most opportune moment to capture user information​.

pop-up form

Flyout Forms 

Flyout forms slide into view from the side of the screen. They’re less intrusive than pop-ups and are particularly effective on mobile devices where screen space is limited. These forms can catch the visitor’s attention without disrupting their browsing experience.

Embedded Forms 

Embedded forms are static and positioned within the content of a webpage. They blend seamlessly with the page design, so they’re ideal for blogs, product pages, and other content-rich sections where the sign-up form complements the user experience.

embedded sign-up forms

Landing Pages 

Dedicated landing pages focus exclusively on capturing visitor information. These pages are tailored for specific campaigns (often ads, sometimes emails) and provide a clear and compelling call-to-action that drives sign-ups. Landing pages are highly customizable, allowing for a cohesive branding and messaging strategy​.

Step-by-Step Klaviyo Audit Process for Sign-Up Forms 

Regular audits of your Klaviyo sign-up forms help you stay on top of best practices and to meet the ultimate goal of pop-ups: to target as many visitors as possible in a way that’s least intrusive on their user journey, with a compelling offer that matches their behavior. Auditing your current sign-up form is where this begins.

Find your sign-up forms by navigating to “Sign-Up Forms” in the left-hand menu on Klaviyo. Click on the form you’d like to audit and click the “Edit Form” button in the top right-hand corner.

1. Reviewing Your Triggers 

Most people’s buying intent differs depending on the traffic source (ie. where they came from) and the actions they take once they’re on your website. Users who have bought before may also have certain buying intent based on their past buying behavior.

This information can help you create more direct pop-ups catering to the user where they are in their journey. While general homepage pop-ups are usually aimed at everyone, here’s how you can streamline your sign-up form triggers on other pages.

  • Product Page: Trigger on time delay eg. 30 seconds (give them time to explore and understand the product value)
  • Collection Page: Trigger on scroll & time delay eg. 45 seconds and 50% page scroll (give them time to find a product they like or that suits their needs)
  • Cart Recovery Page: Trigger on time delay or exit intent (offer them extra incentive to complete their order to recover potentially lost sales)
  • Thank You Page: Trigger immediately to get non-subscribed buyers to consent to emails (for updates, new products, etc) 

Consider using “double-tap” sign-up forms. 

  1. This technique shows users 2 pop-ups within a set period of time/scroll, eg. one at 10 seconds and one at 60 seconds.
  2. Users who are still on the page after 60 seconds have a higher buying intent so the pop-up may be more successful.

2. Reviewing Your Offer 

Your offer needs to be compelling. You can make the sign-up process as easy as possible, but if your offer isn’t interesting or relevant, you’ll have a harder time getting people to give you their email address. 

  • The Ideal “Default Offer”: Use a % off rather than a $ off, because it creates a “Spend more, save more” situation. The sweet spot is 20 to 25% off, factored into your pricing. You can also test coupon codes vs free gifts or free shipping. 
  • Audience-Targeted Offers: Match your “offer” with your visitor’s intent. New visitors receive your default offer, buyers who haven’t subscribed might respond best to something like “Sign up to get updates about your order”, and people who subscribed but haven’t bought might buy with a larger incentive.
  • “Experience” Offers: Interactive offers can be successful. “Take our quiz to find the perfect product for you.” Offering them more value (information/help on finding something suitable) plus your % offer. 

3. Reviewing Form Design 

Design can make or break your pop-up. It should be pleasant to look at and display the information in an easy-to-read way, to streamline the customer experience. 

  • Step 1: Evaluate the overall visual design of the form. Make sure it’s attractive and engaging, and that everything is in pleasing proportions and is properly aligned. 
  • Step 2: Use high-quality images and graphics that are relevant to your offer. 
  • Step 3: Make sure the design elements don’t overshadow the form fields.
  • Step 4: Make sure colors, fonts, and styles align with your brand identity.

Almost ⅔ of traffic is on mobile.

Your sign-up forms NEED to be mobile-friendly. Test and double-test this—make sure it fits on the screen and is easy to fill in.

mobile traffic

4. Privacy and Compliance Review 

These elements may be less noticeable to your user, but they’re important to get right to make sure you’re compliant. 

  • Include necessary consent checkboxes and privacy notices. 
  • Clearly link to your terms and conditions and privacy policy. 
  • Add a brief disclaimer about data usage and consent.

Implementing A/B Testing for Optimization 

A/B testing is a large part of optimization, and continuous optimization is necessary to keep your sign-up forms performing at their best. Analyze the data to continually optimize your forms for users and find new opportunities for improvement.

A/B Test Ideas 

A successful A/B test only tests one element at a time. Regularly test different elements of your forms to make sure they’re as optimized as can be. Things to test include:

  • Type of form (full-page, pop-up, etc)
  • Offers/incentives (x% vs $x discount, discount code vs free shipping, free gift, etc)
  • Design (with image, without image, design vs plain text, etc)
  • Triggers & timing (8 seconds vs 15 seconds, time vs scroll duration, etc)

Here are some more advanced ideas to try.

1. Extra Step to Collection Zero-Party Data 

A “pre-engagement” step can help users feel more invested, and like you’re interested in helping them rather than just making a sale. This is a valuable A/B test to run because even if the metrics are similar, you end up gaining zero-party you can use for more specific segmentation strategies.

pop-up sign-up form
zero-party data

2. Add a Pre-Offer Teaser

A teaser is a small widget or icon on the page that displays a hint of the offer. Once a user clicks, the sign-up form will open. This is very handy for those users who close the pop-up without paying attention to the offer. A small teaser showing the offer could be enough to entice them back to signing up. 

sign-up form widget
sign-up form teaser

3. Ask for a “Micro Commitment” 

Rather than asking for their email address straight up, give your visitors a chance to decide if they’re interested enough in the offer to sign-up. This will require a multi-step form, of which the first slide asks the question. 

“Would you like 20% off?” 

Give your user 3 options: variations “Yes Please”, “Maybe Later”, and “Not Now”. Yes and Maybe Later can move the user to the sign-up section, while Not Now can close the popup. 

This makes your visitor feel like you’re respecting their wishes and giving them the final choice, rather than simply asking them to give you information.

4. Be Mysterious 

Mystery discounts create curiosity. This can be a good option if your offer is on the smaller side and not highly appealing on its own. Users might sign-up even if your offer is small because they’ve already invested some effort in the process. 

5. Try a Countdown Timer 

FOMO can work extremely well, especially for seasonal offers that come around once a year. It can work on a regular sign-up form too, especially if you’ve got a good offer.

Analyzing Data from Form Analytics 

You can keep an eye on your form metrics for an overview of how each form is doing. These can be found within Klaviyo. 

  • Views 
  • Form Submits 
  • Abandon / Bounce Rates 
  • Drop-Off Points 

But your form metrics only tell half the story. Ultimately, you should be tagging new subscribers and excluding them from other marketing, so you can track customer info like: 

  • Average order value 
  • Time between customer purchases 
  • Average customer lifetime value 

All of these can be found within Klaviyo and will give you a much more advanced view of if your marketing is working, including your sign-up forms. Remember, your sign-up form is just one element of a successful funnel.

Boost Your Email Marketing Efforts With YOCTO’s Klaviyo Audit Services 

YOCTO’s Klaviyo audit services will help you streamline your email marketing strategy quickly and easily. Our team of email marketing experts dive into the corners of your Klaviyo account and find every aspect that could be optimized and improved. 

Our advanced email marketing solutions include: 

  • Detailed Data Analysis: We’ll start by assessing every bit of historical data to identify trends and opportunities for growth. 
  • Deliverability Assessment: We’ll find out how good your email deliverability is and make changes to help your emails land in the inbox and avoid the spam filters. 
  • Sign-Up Path Examination: Our experts will review your sign-up paths and streamline them where possible, making sure you attract high-quality subscribers. 
  • Automated Flow Audit: We’ll analyze your core and advanced email flows to make sure they’re hitting the mark and speaking to your audience. 
  • List & Segment Analysis: Our team will double-check your lists and audience segments to make sure they’re free from inactive subscribers and precisely targeted to lower spam rates.
  • Email Campaign Performance Audit: We’ll check email design, relevant content, and engagement to make sure you’re sending effective email campaigns, and present actionable insights for improvement. 

Why Work With YOCTO? 

YOCTO is a Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner, so when you work with us, you’re getting expert insight, professional strategies, and a wealth of email marketing knowledge. Here’s why choosing YOCTO is an excellent choice: 

  • Recognized As a Top Agency: We’re independently recognized by Klaviyo as one of the top agencies in the USA and Europe. 
  • Proven Success In the Industry: The methods we use deliver consistently high results. No guesswork—we only use what’s been tried and tested.
  • Experience With Huge Brands: Our extensive experience with some of the world’s most well-known brands, including Tesonet, Miracare, and NordLayer, means we can tailor effective solutions to any brand and situation.

YOCTO’s Klaviyo Audit Process: Deep and Detailed 

Our team will comb every inch of your Klaviyo account and give you useful feedback, as well as easy-to-implement actions to fix issues. Here’s how the process works: 

  1. Discovery Call: We’ll start with a free call to help us learn more about your brand, your goals, and your needs. 
  2. Detailed Audit: Our team will audit every inch of your Klaviyo account, including deliverability, email marketing campaigns and flows, lists and segmentation, and more. 
  3. Audit Report Back: We’ll send you a comprehensive report pinpointing areas in which you could improve, as well as detailed insights and actionable recommendations to optimize every element of your Klaviyo account. 

Ready to see what an expert audit can do for your email marketing performance? Book a discovery call now and get ready to double your success

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