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July 9, 2024

Klaviyo Audit Expert Series: Integrations


  1. What Klaviyo integrations are and what you can use them for.
  2. The difference between Klaviyo’s native integrations and third-party integrations.
  3. How to audit your integrations and make sure they’re working. 

What Are Klaviyo Integrations? 

Klaviyo integrations are essential tools for ecommerce businesses as they connect Klaviyo with various other platforms to streamline operations and enhance email marketing strategies. 

You’re then able to use the collected data to create personalized experiences, improve email deliverability performance, build digital relationships, and drive customer engagement across multiple channels such as SMS, loyalty programs, subscription services, and more.

Klaviyo has more integrations with Shopify than any other platform, making it the ideal choice for Shopify brands.

Types of Klaviyo  Integrations 

Klaviyo has 350+ pre-built integrations and APIs. They’re generally considered to be split into categories based on where in the funnel they’re used. This is the most straightforward way to build a robust tech stack. Here’s a quick overview of the categories: 

Acquisition Stage: 

  • Advertising & Marketing Tools 
  • Google Analytics 
  • Influencer Marketing 
  • Referrals

Visitor-to-Subscriber Stage: 

Conversion Stage: 

  • Email Platforms 
  • SMS Platforms 
  • Mobile Apps 
  • Push Notifications 
  • Personalization 
  • Product Reviews 
  • Shopping Carts 
  • Invoicing Solutions 
  • Payment Processing

Retention Stage: 

  • Email / SMS 
  • Customer Loyalty Programs 
  • Subscription Programs 
  • Referrals 
  • Feedback Forms

Customer Experience: 

  • Help Desk 
  • Shipping 
  • Returns 

Native Klaviyo Integration vs Third-Party Integration 

Klaviyo’s wide range of integrations can be broadly classified into two categories:

Klaviyo Native Integrations 

  • Developed and Maintained by Klaviyo: These integrations are built and supported directly by Klaviyo, for seamless compatibility and functionality. 
  • Documentation and Support Available: Comprehensive documentation and customer support are readily available on the Klaviyo Help Center.
  • Found Within Klaviyo: You can find and add native integrations directly from your Klaviyo account.

Third-Party Integrations 

  • Developed by External Partners: These integrations are created and maintained by third-party developers, not Klaviyo.
  • Documentation and Support May Vary: The quality of documentation and support depends on the individual developer.
  • Found on Klaviyo Connect: Third-party integrations can be found on the Klaviyo Connect platform.
Klaviyo integrations

This huge library of integrations makes Klaviyo one of the most versatile platforms for brands across the board, no matter what you need or what platform you’re on. 

Why Audit Your Klaviyo Integrations? 

Auditing your Klaviyo integrations helps confirm that you’re using all features effectively, avoiding wasted space and money. A thorough audit report will highlight any underused email designs and custom integrations within your eCommerce platform. 

Audits also help you make sure that integrations are functioning correctly and smoothly. This process involves checking API request settings, API endpoint usage, and the technical setup to prevent potential issues that could disrupt your email marketing efforts. By auditing, you can identify error messages, optimize CSS within emails, and ensure real-time streamlining of your processes, keeping your customers happy.

Step-by-Step Guide to Auditing Your Klaviyo Integrations 

1. Accessing the Integrations Tab 

To start your Klaviyo audit, begin by accessing the Integrations tab. This section of Klaviyo’s marketing platform is where you’ll find all your current eCommerce integrations and other connected services. Follow these steps for a comprehensive audit: 

  1. Log into Klaviyo: Use your credentials to access your Klaviyo account.
  2. Navigate to the Integrations Tab: From the dashboard, find the Integrations tab in the bottom left corner to see a list of your active and available integrations. 
Finding Klaviyo integrations

2. Testing If Your Integrations Work 

Find your active integrations by going to the left-hand menu and clicking Analytics > Metrics > All Integrations (drop-down menu).

Once you’re in the integration metrics section, you can browse through all your integrations, split them up by category, or find the specific one you’re looking for. The easiest way to do this is to send a test signal. 

  • Choose the API You Want to Test: If you’re looking for a specific metric, you can search it by name to see its analytics. Otherwise, just do them one by one. 
  • Check If It’s Firing: Open your chosen API and navigate to the “Activity Feed”. Here, you should be able to see every time the integration has been activated. If it’s still “firing” regularly, you should be good to go.
  • Make a Test API Request: More advanced developers can test integrations to confirm they’re connected to Klaviyo’s servers. Learn how here.
  • Confirm Automations for Each Event: Make sure you have automated actions for each “event” that gets triggered through your integrations. Eg. A “Subscription Canceled” event leads to a follow-up email asking for more information, offering an incentive, or presenting a few options. 

API not firing? If your metrics look like an integration is “dormant”, check these:

  • Does the API key you’re using match the API key in your account? Make sure they match and your metrics should come right.
  • Are people identified before you make JavaScript Track requests? Klaviyo doesn’t track anonymous activity so fixing this could be key. 

3. API Keys Access Management 

API keys are used to grant access to Klaviyo’s functionalities by external applications. 

  • Security: Make sure API keys are stored securely and aren’t readily accessible. Consider using a password manager or other secure storage solutions. 
  • Permissions: Review the permissions granted to each API key.  Make sure they have the minimum level of access required to function but not unnecessary access.
  • Key Rotation: Consider implementing a policy for regular API key rotation to minimize security risks if a key is compromised.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Klaviyo is a powerful tool for managing email marketing strategies, but integrating it with other platforms can sometimes pose challenges. Below is a detailed breakdown of common integration issues and troubleshooting steps, as well as best practices for maintaining a healthy tech stack.

Connectivity Issues 

The integration is unable to establish a connection with your ecommerce platform, ESP, or other tool. 

  • Check Credentials: Verify that your API keys, usernames, and passwords are correct and up-to-date.
  • Network Connection: Double-check that you’ve got a stable internet connection and that Klaviyo’s servers are accessible.
  • Firewall/Security: If using a firewall, make sure Klaviyo is whitelisted.

API Key Problems 

The API key used for authentication is invalid, expired, or lacks the necessary permissions. 

  • Regenerate API Key: Generate a new API key from the platform you’re integrating with.
  • Permissions: Make sure the API key has the necessary permissions to access the required data.

Network and Server Errors 

Temporary disruptions in network connectivity or server issues on either end are causing integration errors. 

  • Retry: Wait a few minutes and try reconnecting or syncing the integration.
  • Server Status: Check Klaviyo’s status page and the status page of the platform you’re integrating with. 

Data Discrepancies 

Information in Klaviyo doesn’t match the data in your integrated platform, leading to inconsistencies. 

Mismatched Field Data 

Data types don’t match between fields (e.g., text in a number field). 

  • Field Types: Adjust field types in either system to ensure compatibility.
  • Data Formatting: Use Klaviyo’s data formatting options to transform data if necessary.

Missing or Duplicate Entries 

Data is not syncing completely or is creating duplicates. 

  • Sync Settings: Check the sync settings in both Klaviyo and the integrated platform.
  • Unique Identifiers: Make sure that your integrations are using unique identifiers (like email addresses or customer IDs) to prevent duplication.

Performance Bottlenecks 

The integration process is slow, impacting the performance of either Klaviyo or the connected platform. 

  • Sync Frequency: Adjust the sync frequency if possible to reduce strain on both systems. 
  • Data Volume: Limit the amount of data synced if the volume is too high. 
  • Rate Limiting: Some APIs have rate limits. Adjust your sync settings to comply with these limits.
  • Contact Support: If the issue persists, reach out to Klaviyo support or the support team of the integrated platform.

Best Practices for Maintaining Healthy Integrations 

Maintaining healthy integrations is essential to ensure your email marketing efforts run smoothly and your campaign effectiveness remains high. Proactive measures can save you time and frustration down the line.

Regular Monitoring and Alerts 

Regularly monitoring your Klaviyo integrations and setting up alerts is a proactive way to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. This includes:

  • Activity Monitoring: Keep an eye on the activity feed in Klaviyo to spot any unusual patterns, errors, or warnings related to your integrations.
  • Error Alerts: Set up email notifications or alerts to be notified immediately when an integration fails or encounters an error. This allows you to react quickly and minimize disruptions.
  • API Usage Monitoring: Track API request rates to make sure you stay within the allowed limits for your integration. Exceeding these limits can lead to throttling or temporary suspension of your API key.
  • Data Discrepancy Checks: Periodically compare data between Klaviyo and your integrated platforms for consistency and accuracy.

Documentation and Record-Keeping 

Thorough documentation is a crucial aspect of maintaining integrations:

  • API Keys & Credentials: Keep a secure record of all API keys, usernames, passwords, and other credentials used for your integrations. This way, you’ll have them readily available when needed.
  • Field Mapping: Document how fields are mapped between Klaviyo and your integrated platforms. This makes troubleshooting much easier in case of data discrepancies.
  • Integration Settings: Keep a log of the specific settings you’ve configured for each integration, such as sync frequency, data filters, and any custom configurations.

Keeping APIs and Integrations Up-to-Date 

Staying current with the latest versions is vital for optimal performance and security: 

  • Klaviyo Updates: Install any updates or patches released by Klaviyo as soon as possible, as these often include improvements and bug fixes.
  • Platform Updates: Keep the APIs and software of your integrated platforms up-to-date to ensure compatibility with Klaviyo and to take advantage of new features or enhancements.

Helpful Tools and Resources 

Klaviyo offers several built-in tools and numerous external resources to assist you in managing and troubleshooting your integrations. 

1. Built-In Klaviyo Tools 

Activity Feed 

The activity feed provides a chronological log of all events related to your integrations, like successful syncs, errors, and warnings. This is your first point of reference for diagnosing issues. 

Error Logs 

Dive deeper into error messages to understand the root cause of integration failures. These logs often contain valuable information to guide your troubleshooting efforts. 

Metrics and Analytics 

Klaviyo’s reporting tools can help you track the performance of your integrations, including data sync times, email deliverability rates, and campaign results. This can reveal potential bottlenecks or areas for optimization. 

2. Third-Party Solutions 


Zapier allows you to create custom integrations between Klaviyo and thousands of other apps, expanding your automation capabilities beyond the native integrations. 

API Monitoring Tools 

Tools like Bearer, APIMetrics, or Moesif can provide in-depth insights into your API usage, performance, and potential errors. This can be especially helpful for identifying and resolving issues with third-party integrations. 

Data Validation Tools 

Use tools like Datadog or Assertible to verify the integrity and accuracy of your data during the integration process. 

3. Community and Support Channels 

  • Klaviyo Community Forum: The Klaviyo community forum is a valuable resource where you can ask questions, share experiences, and get advice from other Klaviyo users and experts. 
  • Klaviyo Help Center: The Help Center contains extensive documentation, guides, and tutorials on all aspects of Klaviyo, including integrations. It’s a great place to start if you need help setting up or troubleshooting an integration.
  • Klaviyo Support: If you encounter a complex issue or need personalized assistance, you can contact Klaviyo’s customer support team.

Unleash the Potential of Your Email Marketing with YOCTO’s Klaviyo Audit 

YOCTO’s Klaviyo tune-up audit service is the fast track to a high-performing email marketing strategy. Our expert team of email strategists will dissect your Klaviyo account, uncovering hidden opportunities for optimization and business growth. 

Here’s what our Klaviyo deep-dive offers: 

  • Data Detective Work: We’ll analyze every byte of your historical data to uncover trends and unlock growth potential no matter your business size. 
  • Inbox Insights: We’ll assess your email deliverability and make tweaks to ensure your messages land directly in inboxes, not spam folders.
  • Signup Streamlining: Our experts will scrutinize your opt-in process, streamlining the customer journey for maximum efficiency and attracting high-quality subscribers. 
  • Automated Flow Setup Optimization: We’ll put your core and advanced email flows under the microscope, making sure they deliver targeted messages that resonate with your audience.
  • Klaviyo Integrations Examination: We’ll examine your entire tech stack to see where you could be using more powerful integrations or removing certain integrations. 
  • List & Segment Scrutiny: Our team will meticulously examine your lists and audience segments, eliminating inactive customers and refining targeting to keep spam rates low.
  • Email Campaign Performance Review: We’ll dissect your campaign strategy, email design, content diversity and relevance, and audience engagement metrics to pinpoint areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations for crafting high-impact, successful campaigns.

Why Choose YOCTO As Your Klaviyo Partner? 

As a Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner, YOCTO offers unparalleled expertise, proven strategies, and a treasure trove of email marketing knowledge. Here’s what sets us apart: 

  • Industry-Recognized Expertise: We’re named by Klaviyo as a top agency in both the USA and Europe.
  • Track Record of Success: Our data-driven approach delivers consistent, impressive results—no guesswork, just proven strategies.
  • Experience with Big Brands: We’ve tackled challenges and delivered solutions for world-renowned brands like Tesonet, Miracare, and NordLayer. This extensive experience allows us to tailor effective solutions for any brand and industry.

YOCTO’s Klaviyo Audit Tune-Up Process: A Deep Dive That Delivers 

Our team will leave no stone unturned in your Klaviyo account, providing actionable insights and clear steps to address any issues. Here’s what you can expect during the audit process: 

  1. Free Discovery Call: We’ll kick things off with a no-obligation call to understand your brand, goals, and specific needs.
  2. In-Depth Audit: Our team will meticulously examine every aspect of your Klaviyo account, including deliverability, email campaigns and flows, lists and segmentation, and more.
  3. Comprehensive Audit Report: After the auditing process, you’ll receive a detailed report highlighting areas for improvement, packed with actionable recommendations to optimize every facet of your Klaviyo account. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of your email marketing? Book a free discovery call today and watch your email success double! 

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